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1. 劳动(láodòng): to work; labor; toil; laborious work; toil and labor
2. 劳驾(láojià): to trouble; to ask for help
3. 劳苦(láokǔ): hard work; laborious; toil
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In everyday conversation, 劳 (láo) is commonly used to refer to labor or a laborer. For example, one might say 劳动力 (láodònglì) to refer to the labor force. It can also be used to refer to the effort someone puts into something, as in 劳心劳力 (láoxīnláolì) to refer to the hard work someone puts into something. Additionally, 劳 (láo) can be used to refer to a meritorious deed, as in 劳动荣誉 (láodòngróngyù) to refer to the honor of labor.
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