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牛油果 (niúyóuguǒ) is typically used in a sentence to refer to the fruit known as "avocado." It is pronounced as "niú yóu guǒ" in Mandarin Chinese.
Example 1: 我早餐喜欢吃牛油果 (wǒ zǎocān xǐhuan chī niúyóuguǒ) - F or breakfast I like to eat avocado.
Example 2: 牛油果是一种营养丰富的水果 (niúyóuguǒ shì yī zhǒng yíngyǎng fēngfù de shuǐguǒ) - Avocado is a nutritious fruit.
Example 3: 牛油果可以用来做沙拉、酱汁或者直接吃 (niúyóuguǒ kěyǐ yòng lái zuò shālā, jiàngzhī huòzhě zhíjiē chī) - Avocado can be used to make salads, sauces, or eaten directly.
Example 4: 牛油果的外皮是绿色的,内部是黄绿色的果肉 (niúyóuguǒ de wàipí shì lǜsè de, nèibù shì huáng lǜsè de guǒròu) - The skin of an avocado is green, and the flesh inside is yellow-green.
Example 5: 牛油果含有丰富的健康脂肪和维生素 (niúyóuguǒ hán yǒu fēngfù de jiànkāng zhīfá hé wéishēngsù) - Avocado contains a rich amount of healthy fats and vitamins.
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鳄梨 (è lí) - This is a common term used in Taiwan and Hong Kong to refer to avocado. It literally means "alligator pear" and is believed to have originated from the Nahuatl word "āhuacatl", which means "testicle" due to the shape of the fruit.
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