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1. 病原体 (bìng yuántǐ) - This word refers specifically to microorganisms that cause diseases, such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi. It is often used in medical and scientific contexts.
2. 病毒 (bìngdú) - This word specifically refers to viruses, which are a type of infectious agent that can cause diseases. It is often used in the context of viral infections.
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1. 这种病菌 (bìngjūn) 可能会导致严重的感染。(Zhè zhǒng bìngjūn kěnéng huì dǎozhì yánzhòng de gǎnrǎn.) - This type of harmful bacteria may lead to a severe infection.
2. 医生建议勤洗手以防止病菌 (bìngjūn) 传播。(Yīshēng jiànyì qín xǐshǒu yǐ fángzhǐ bìngjūn chuánbō.) - Doctors recommend washing your hands frequently to prevent the spread of germs.
3. 病菌 (bìngjūn) 可以通过空气传播,所以要保持室内空气流通。(Bìngjūn kěyǐ tōngguò kōngqì chuánbō, suǒyǐ yào bǎochí shìnèi kōngqì liútōng.) - Germs can spread through the air, so it's important to keep indoor air circulating.
4. 这种病毒是由病菌 (bìngjūn) 引起的。(Zhè zhǒng bìngdú shì yóu bìngjūn yǐnqǐ de.) - This virus is caused by harmful bacteria.
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