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糊涂 is informal and it's more general. And it can mean "silly" or "messy, disorderly"; and 困惑 is more formal, meaning "puzzled, perplexed, bewildered" about a specific matter.
And 弄混 is a verbal phrase:
弄混 / 弄混 [nong4 hun4] , (phr) to mix...up, to confuse (between... and ...)
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糊涂 (hútu) is often used to describe someone who is confused or disoriented. For example, if someone is unable to understand a concept or is making a mistake due to lack of knowledge, they can be described as 糊涂. It can also be used to describe someone who is acting in a disorderly or chaotic manner. For example, if someone is making a mess or is not following instructions, they can be described as 糊涂.
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困惑 puzzled, bewildered, confused
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