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jì rán ..., jiù ...
phr. Now that..., then...
Discussion of 既然...,就...
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This structure composed of conjunction 既然 and correlative adverb 就 indicate a premise and the conclusion drawn from it. 既然 is used in the clause indicating the premise, and 就 in the clause indicating the conclusion. For example:
Example 1. 你既然答应了,就要把事情办好。 [phr] Since you agreed to do it, you should do it well.
Example 2. 既然下雨了,我们就改天再去吧。 [phr] Since it rains, let's go there another day.
Beside 就, other adverbs can also be paired with 既然, e.g. 也, 还, etc. Please note that these adverbs should appear after the subject and before the predicate (Example 3&4).
Example 3. 既然你已经打扫过房间了,我还用再打扫一遍吗? [phr] Now that you have already cleaned up the room, do I still need to clean it again?
Example 4. 既然你对跳舞很感兴趣,你也应该参加这个跳舞比赛。 [phr] Since you are very interested in dancing, you should also participate in this dancing contest.
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