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1. 往下 (wǎng xià) - downwards, downward
2. 继续 (jìxù) - to continue, to go on
3. 持续 (chíxù) - to persist, to continue
4. 延续 (yánxù) - to extend, to continue
5. 接着 (jiēzhe) - to follow, to continue
6. 继而 (jì'ér) - subsequently, then
7. 走下去 (zǒu xiàqù) - to keep going, to continue
8. 往下走 (wǎng xià zǒu) - to go down, to continue
9. 下降 (xiàjiàng) - to descend, to decrease
10. 下落 (xiàluò) - to fall, to drop
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You can use 下去 (xiàqù) to indicate that an action is continuing or becoming more and more. For example, you can say 他们一直努力下去 (tāmen yīzhí nǔlì xiàqù) to mean "they are continuing to work hard".
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