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1. 兴奋 (xīngfèn): to be excited, to be thrilled
2. 振奋 (zhènfèn): to be inspired, to be invigorated
3. 激昂 (jī'áng): to be aroused, to be stirred up
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激动 (jīdòng) is an adjective that describes a feeling of excitement or agitation. It is often used to describe a person's emotional state, such as when they are feeling excited or overwhelmed. For example, one might say "看到最喜欢的歌手时,他激动得不得了 (kàn dào zuì xǐhuan de gēshǒu shí, tā jīdòng de bù déliǎo) - He was so excited when he saw his favorite singer."
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Yes, 激动 (jīdòng) can be used in both formal and informal contexts. It is a versatile word that can convey a range of emotions and actions related to excitement and agitation.
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Hi "thrilled" is more like a sudden feeling of excitement and pleasure. 激動 is not definitely "pleasure" in every cases.
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