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智慧之光 (zhì huì zhī guāng) - light of wisdom This phrase is often used to describe someone who possesses great intelligence and is able to guide and enlighten others with their wisdom.
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1. 她的智慧让她在困难的情况下找到了解决问题的方法。(Tā de zhìhuì ràng tā zài kùnnán de qíngkuàng xià zhǎodào le jiějué wèntí de fāngfǎ.) - Her intelligence allowed her to find solutions to problems in difficult situations.
2. 他的智慧和学识使他成为了一位受人尊敬的领导人。(Tā de zhìhuì hé xuéshí shǐ tā chéngwéi le yī wèi shòurén zūnjìng de lǐngdǎo rén.) - His intelligence and knowledge have made him a respected leader.
3. 她的智慧和谦虚让她受到了大家的尊重。(Tā de zhìhuì hé qiānxū ràng tā shòudào le dàjiā de zūnzhòng.) - Her intelligence and humility have earned her respect from everyone.
4. 他的智慧让他在团队中发挥了重要的作用。(Tā de zhìhuì ràng tā zài tuánduì zhōng fāhuī le zhòngyà
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