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v./n. resemble, look like; be as..., such as...; image; portrait
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像 and 有 can both be used in a sentence expressing comparison. What are their differences? “A像B” means that there is a resemblance between A and B. “A像B这么C” means that the resemblance between A and B resides in a certain aspect C.
“A有B这么C” means that A has reached the degree of B in aspect C.
In this post, we mainly discuss how to use 像 in a sentence indicating comparison.
像 is used to express that two persons or things are similar to each other. 像 is followed by the one which is the standard of comparison. There are certain patterns:
1. Person/thing to be compared 像 The standard of comparison:
E.g. 1a 你像一棵大树。 [phr] (lyrics) You are like a big tree.
(The negative form is adding 不 before 像)
2. Person/thing to be compared 像 The standard of comparison 一样
E.g. 2a 马路上的汽车像河流一样。 [phr] The vehicles on the road are like a river.
3. Person/thing to be compared 像 The standard of comparison + 这么/这样/那么/那样 The aspect of comparison
E.g. 3a 我像爸爸那么爱游泳。[phr] I like swimming as much as my dad.

Words or phrases before or after 像 have to be comparable or belong to the same type. In the first pattern, 像 is used as a predicate verb. In this case, adverbs of degree can be used before 像:
E.g. 1b 你很(or 特别)像一棵大树。
In the second and third pattern, the 像-phrase is used as the adverbial adjunct (像河流、像爸爸 in E.g. 2a and 3a), adverbs of degree can NOT be used before 像. It is WRONG to say E.g. 2b and 3b (Asterisk before a sentence indicates that sentence is wrong).
E.g. 2b 马路上的汽车非常像河流一样。
E.g. 3b 我很像爸爸那么爱游泳。
Is 像 used when talking about physical similarities or metaphorical similarities? (xiàng)
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What context is 像 used in? (xiàng)
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Is 像 used to compare two things or more than two things? (xiàng)
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