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不容易 (bù róngyì) is a commonly used phrase in everyday conversation in Chinese. It is used to express that something is difficult or not easy to do. The literal translation of 不容易 is "not easy" and it can also be translated as "challenging" or "hard".
For example, if someone asks you how your day was, you can respond by saying "今天不容易" (jīntiān bù róngyì), which means "today was not easy". This could imply that you had a busy or difficult day.
不容易 can also be used to express sympathy or understanding towards someone's struggles or hardships. For instance, if a friend tells you about their difficult work situation, you can respond by saying "这件事情不容易" (zhè jiàn shìqing bù róngyì), which means "this situation is not easy". This shows that you understand and empathize with their difficulties.
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