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wán quán
adv./adj. completely, entirely, fully; complete, full
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完全 and 全部 are quite different
完全 adverb/adjective, "completely, entirely, fully; complete, full" refers to the extent/degree;
全部 adjective, "all, whole, total" (can be used as an adverbial adjunct) refers to the scope/range of something.

Examples for 全部:
E.g. 1 他把全部藏书都捐献给了图书馆。 [phr] He presented his whole collection of books to the library.
E.g. 2 这个盗窃集团的成员全部被抓获,彻底完蛋了。 [phr] Every member of this group of thieves has been arrested. It's all over now.
E.g. 3 节目全部表演完了。 [phr] All the programs have been performed.
In the examples above, 全部 refers to the scope of 藏书, 成员 and 节目, respectively.

Examples for 完全:
E.g. 1 电影的内容是什么,我完全不知道。 [phr] I don't know the content of this film at all.
E.g. 2 世界上还有许多不能被完全治愈的疾病。 [phr] In this world there are still a lot of diseases that can not be cured completely.
E.g. 3 那场火灾完全是由于他们失责而引起的。 [phr] The fire was entirely caused by their neglect of duty.
In the examples above, 完全 indicates the degree extent. E.g. 1, to what extent do "I" know about the film. E.g. 2, to what extent can diseases be treated. E.g. 3. to what extent are they responsible for the fire.
When should I use 完全 (wánquán) in a sentence?
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Are there any other words that can be used the same way as 完全 (wánquán)?
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完全 vs 彻底:

1. 完全 is usually used as an adverb, taking up the role of adverbial adjunct in a sentence).. It not frequently used as an adjective, and when it is, it's limited to phrases such as:
完全主谓句 complete subject-predicate sentence
完全刑事责任能力 complete criminal capacity

2. 彻底 on the other hand, is an adjective and can be modified by adverbs indicating degrees, such as 非常, 很, 十分, etc. In the Chinese language, adjectives are often used as adverbial adjunct in a sentence. When 彻底 takes up this role, it usually indicates a deeper degree than 完全. Otherwise, the two are interchangeable. For example, both versions are correct but 彻底 carries a stronger tone -- using 彻底 indicates that the recovery is more thorough and complete than when we use 完全.
E.g. 病人已完全康复了。 Or 病人已彻底康复了。(The patient is entirely recovered from his illness.)
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