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v./n. to use; to eat or drink; (usu. in the negative) to need; usefulness; expenses
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How is 用 used in everyday conversation?
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使 vs 用

1. 使 (verb) can mean “to send (sb), to have (sb do sth)”. 用 doesn’t have this meaning.
使唤 [v] order someone about, use someone
使人去问问情况 [phr] to send someone to ask about the situation

2. 使 (char) can mean “envoy, messenger”; 用 doesn’t have this meaning.
大使 [n] ambassador
使馆 [n] consulate, diplomatic mission, embassy

3. 使 (verb) can mean “make, cause, enable”; 用 doesn’t have this meaning.
这个事情使我很高兴。[phr] This matter makes me very happy.

4. 用 (verb) can mean “to eat or drink”; 使 doesn’t have this meaning.
用酒 [phr] to use alcohol
用茶 [phr] to have one's tea, to drink tea
用餐 [v] eat a meal

5. When 用 and 使 are both verbs meaning “to use, to employ, to apply”, they can be followed by particles such as 着, 了, 过 and they can be reduplicated.
E.g. 借给我用用。= 借给我使使。
*Note that 用 is more often and more commonly used to express this meaning, compared to 使.

6. 用 can appear in this structure — 用 + noun, to introduce a tool, manner or means by/in which the following action is completed. 使 cannot be used in this way.
E.g. 他用手指点了点我写错的地方。[phr] He pointed at the part where I made a mistake in writing.

7. Other structures 用 can be used in include the following (使 cannot be used in any of these structures):
用 + 作 + noun. E.g. 璇经常用作女孩名。 [phr] Xuan is often used as the given-name of girls.
用 + 来 + verb. E.g. 在很多城市,大量的耕地被用来盖房。[phr] Lots of arable land is used to build houses in many cities.
用 + 在/于.… E.g. 激光已经被广泛应用于美容领域。[phr]Laser has been widely used in the area of cosmetology.
用 + 以 + verb. E.g. 这些钱是用以帮助失学儿童的。[phr]The money is used to help dropout students.
When should 用(yòng) be used instead of 吃 (chī)?
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