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纳税 (nà shuì) means "to pay taxes" in English. It is a combination of the verb 纳 (nà), meaning "to pay" or "to submit", and the noun 税 (shuì), meaning "tax". Together, they form the word 纳税, which specifically refers to the act of paying taxes to the government.
Example sentence: 我每年都要纳税。(Wǒ měi nián dōu yào nà shuì.) - "I have to pay taxes every year."
Hi Nishid, we have added the suggested phrase to our dictionary. Thank you very much!
今天他要纳税。 / 今天他要納稅。 [jin1 tian1 ta1 yao4 na4 shui4 .] , (phr) Today he will (or wants to) pay taxes.
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1. 纳税人 (nà shuì rén) - This term refers to a taxpayer, someone who is responsible for paying taxes.
2. 纳税人识别号 (nà shuì rén shí bié hào) - This term refers to the taxpayer identification number, a unique number assigned to individuals and businesses for tax purposes.
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