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Questions and Answers

Questions from cg123
Hi,Could you please add Browsable permission to be able to use html links to open the Train Chinese app from a browser and Anki?
If you do this then links like the following could be added to Anki ... [Read more]
This question has been viewed 9 times.
Hi,I am using the Train Chinese Apps in my study routine now. I do still use Anki for longer term Flashcard purposes and would like to insert a look-up link in my templates to the Train Chinese Dictio ... [Read more]
This question has been viewed 13 times.
Hi,I just joined TrainChinese with a 10 list limit because I like the example sentences and also the Audio Training App and the simplicity of it all.
I am however wondering - are the apps un ... [Read more]
This question has been viewed 6 times.