Hi,Could you help on which is the difference between these phrases?. 他不会再抽烟了 vs 他不再抽烟了. 我不 ... [Read more]
This question has been viewed 21 times.
Asked 99 months ago by
Hi trainchineseWhen going to the web home in my user it appears a bar with 3 colors red yellow green (not trainned, active, learned)What does the numbers mean? I can not correlate them with the 6 mont ... [Read more]
This question has been viewed 17 times.
Asked 134 months ago by
What does the number in the message "Not bad! you made progress with 84 cards within 7 days!" mean?It goes up when I include new cards, learn cards or review cards.
... [Read more]
This question has been viewed 17 times.