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Questions and Answers


On my iPhone the app says "Translation. See the English, know the Chinese."

What do you mean by "know the Chinese"? For instance, the first English word was "have". I know that is you (Pinyin), I can recognize 有 (Hanzi) when I see it, I know it when I hear it, but my tone might have been wrong if I were to say it (which I would do as the screen displayed "have" in English).

What is the criteria in "Translation" mode for "I know it."

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This question has been viewed 96 times.
In all cases when training with the flashcards you will yourself evaluate the  "I know it"  or "I am not sure". As a criteria you may use the following ideas:
- In case of Translation:
You see the English text ("have") and if you know that it is translated as you3 (you in third tone), then the criteria is fulfilled. Of course you should know that it is the "you" and that it is the "3rd tone"!
- In case of Dictation:
You will hear the voice pronouncing "you3" and you will need to make sure that you know how to write it, if you are not sure you can check if the text you wrote is correct by comparing it with the one shown when you press the orange button to flip the card.
In case of Dictation of longer words with several characters then you may concentrate on those characters which you think are most important, but as said at the beginning, this is up to you to decide when you mark a training mode of one word as "I know it" and when you prefer to say "I am not sure".
- In case of Reading:
Can you correctly read the word 有  (Pinyin and tone?) and do you know the meaning? If this is the case then the criteria is fulfilled
- For Recognition:
You will hear a voice with you3, if you can recognize this as meaning "have", then the criteria is fulfilled.

As you see the 4 training modes where prepared in such a way that they can cover all aspects of learning a word, while you will only be asked to check again for those cases where you were not sure. As an example if you can Recognize well, and also Translate well but have problems to write a word, then the "Dictation" for that word will be repeated and all other aspects will not be repeated any more.
Answered 168 months ago by klaus valid Edit
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klaus lautet:
One issue to consider is that you always can switch off those modes of a card which you do not think necessary to learn.
As an example I for my side am learning all modes of all cards (that is my default setting for every new card), but as soon as I get a card with a long text then I switch off the Dictation mode for that particular card - but of course this is up to everyone's individual decision. 

chanda ma?

ni shi huan wo ma?


wo pu ai wo...


wo han hao ah...

wo shiang ni whey chang songwun ne

Answered 167 months ago by juliusrcaunsag blocked Edit
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Answered 166 months ago by tommysuen blocked Edit
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