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Questions and Answers

Questions from Blooziespoo
I have accumulated a large vocabulary on trainchinese and I was hoping to back it up. Is there any way to export word lists from trainchinese?
Many thanks for an amazing platform! ... [Read more]
This question has been viewed 29 times.
My study book and shows the symbol for "fa(1)" as the same as the first part of "fayin" (to pronounce). However, when I try to add the word "fa" alone, it changes the tradition ... [Read more]
I want to be able to train my lists on my iphone but now I can't anymore due to the teacher subscription. What can be done to solve this problem? [Read more]
This question has been viewed 31 times.
How do I pay for a life time subscription? Can't find a way to do so. [Read more]
This question has been viewed 44 times.
I just want to be able to see all my lists in flashcard form where it shows me on one side the english definitions and on the other side the pinyin and chinese characters. Also it would be great if I ... [Read more]
This question has been viewed 38 times.