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I have a few words that, by mistake, are contained in two list. So what was not my surprise when I was training to be asked the same word twice during a training session on my mobile.
For me this is a bug not a feature ;-).


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This question has been viewed 20 times.
If the word is in several lists it will be trained until it sleeps, the training data is unique to each word, so progress made when training the word in one list is by design considered when training the word in the other list.

That is a word that is not sleeping and is contained in several lists will be trained wherever it appears to be until it sleeps - or is memorized. 
For techies: All training progress for one word is associated to the word, independently on the number of lists a word is in, so a duplication of trainings is not possible!
Answered 142 months ago by klaus valid Edit
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Hi Klaus,

Yes, and just because a word is only available once in your DB, the applications should have the intelligence to present that word only once in a training session, undependly of to how many lists a given word belongs to.
This is the advantage of learning with a computer vs learning with paper cards, which physically can only belong to one list.
Now I have a computer based/aided solution, I have the opportunity to place a single word (or word references) in different lists and I want to make use of that opportunity. But I don't want that the applications presents me that words more than once in one single training session, as this is not only disturbing but also generates biased statistics, as if I am asked a word a second time, I will easily remember it, thus the statistics of that word will tend to be much too positive....
Answered 142 months ago by ribenguniang valid Edit
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klaus lautet:
After studying your comment I think I understood the problem:
One word is in 2 lists, and you decide to train those two lists. In that case the word should only appear once - and not twice.  Up to now we did not check for that case, but it is an error - should only be presented once even though it is in both lists.

On the other side, if the lists would be trained separately, then the word will be shown again in each training, until it is finished learning, that is in each cycle it will still remember what was learned before, so that there is no repeated learning.