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Questions and Answers

Questions with tag Desktop Application
Asked 11 months ago by Perfectqi  
Hello, before i was able to add comment in notes, now i can't even see the note button.I see it when i created past word but not anymore.Thank you
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This question has been viewed 4 times.
what does "char" mean in your dictionary-? adj=adjective. num=number, rad=radical etc etc... where can I go to get the definitions please-? ... [Read more]
This question has been viewed 9 times.
Asked 15 months ago by Perfectqi  
When i press on that "+ learn this word" button, it doesn't show me a "note" window so that i can write some comment.
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This question has been viewed 6 times.
Multiple Choice [Reading Simplified Chinese] Only Shows One Choice, not MultipleThen it became single choice question and it doesn't help to test my 汉字, is there any way to solve thi ... [Read more]
This question has been viewed 3 times.
Asked 31 months ago by Auge  
how to write the Chinese character I need to understand?
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This question has been viewed 83 times.
Asked 37 months ago by RaoulGueguen  
How do I erase or rename a folder or a list?
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This question has been viewed 62 times.
Asked 40 months ago by Richard Pohl  
Dear Trainchinese team,there should be third version of the HSK exam coming out soon. Do you plan to provide us with the relevant word lists, too?Sincerely,Richard
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Asked 63 months ago by WiseKnow  
Why I can't install trainchinese Dictionary & Flash cards (Windows PC) ? ... [Read more]
This question has been viewed 48 times.
Asked 64 months ago by Porling  
I don't like to read this chinese font. It so hard to reading.
(I use PC win10)

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This question has been viewed 23 times.
Asked 72 months ago by trubochist  
When I want to reorganize my card lists on the site, there is often a long lag before the changes are registered. I will delete all cards from a list, but when I go back they're still there. I mov ... [Read more]
This question has been viewed 6 times.