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Questions and Answers

Questions from fabienne
hello , is probing here used in the meaning of ‘investigation’ or in the meaning of ‘a probing inquiry’? 谢谢 [Read more]
Asked 4 months ago by fabienne  
Hello, I cannot finish to update my cards anymore, it continues and tells me that I must update again, I let it run  for a long time, still like that:)Could you please look into it? Thank yo ... [Read more]
This question has been viewed 7 times.
Asked 121 months ago by fabienne  
Hello, I use trainchinese (it's great!) on both my iPhone and my iPad.

I have no problems synchronizing with my iPhone but when I try with the iPad, I keep getting the message that the ser ... [Read more]
This question has been viewed 25 times.
Asked 127 months ago by fabienne  

I accidentally postponed the wake up of my cards for 3 instead of 1 week. Is it possible to cancel?

Thank you and best regards, Fabienne [Read more]
This question has been viewed 8 times.