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Questions and Answers

Questions from ingamei
Asked 104 months ago by ingamei  
Hi, I installed the trainchinese dictionary app on asus zenfone 2 and I cant update my cards, the following message keeps popping up - Error - the trainchinese server is busy. Please help, what co ... [Read more]
This question has been viewed 26 times.
Hi, I have a suggestion! Every time I want to look up meanings of characters that make up a word (i.e. 领 and 域 in 领域), it takes me to the dictionary sec ... [Read more]
This question has been viewed 36 times.
Asked 122 months ago by ingamei  
When I  hover the mouse over a word (from the lists in  'My lists of words and cards' section) it says 'Click to show details to this word/phrase' but nothing happens if I c ... [Read more]
This question has been viewed 10 times.
Hi, I've tried importing words that were not present in the dictionary, they were checked and I received a message that they were added. The words do appear on my computer but not in the mobile tr ... [Read more]
This question has been viewed 15 times.
I'd like to clarify a few things before buying a package.  1. Does having 1000 cards limit mean the number of cards I can have at once or the number of total adds I can do? ... [Read more]
This question has been viewed 33 times.